Well, 152 or so people, but nonetheless! Thank you all for making the poll a smashing success! I’ll leave it up for a few more days in case anyone else wants to vote.

Now that you’ve voted and I get the gist of what you’re looking for, here’s what I’m doing to make that happen, and here’s how it will go down (at least tentatively, and barring good suggestions from you guys!):

1) I am currently working with Dex to design tee shirts. His early designs are INCREDIBLE. I will put them in a poll and let you choose the first one, and then I will start taking pre-orders, and if it sells through, I will do another. Yahoo!

2) Extra-dimensional translocators are TOUGH to find someone to do, at least, so far. I drove all over town talking to glass people, and I spoke to a few rock people, my next stop is plastic. I will see what the ins and outs are, but it is something I will not give up on until we have. Which begs a question… do you care if it’s rock, glass, or plastic, so long as it looks/feels right? I kind of see them as glass even though I call them stones (as do most folks). I always pictured a clear rock. But if it’s plastic, is anyone gonna go “BOOOO!”? Let me know.

3) COLOR COMICS. That’s a toughie, because I didn’t say what kind of color comics, so I am a little dumb for that. I’m assuming it would be interpreted as the existing Cura comic, or new stuff. It’s very expensive to make color comics, so this is a tough one. Much depends on how well the volume 2 trade does, so I’ll leave that one at that. I want it. You want it. We’ll see what can be done. I shall be frank, this is the hardest do do because it will cost me between 10-50 dollars a page. Multiply that by 126, and you’ll see why I have to really strategize… plus I don’t want to make something hard to afford.

If YOU letter or know someone who letters on the cheap, maybe we can work something out. I ABHOR paying on the back end more than almost anything (after it screwed me a number of times), but I am not averse to a small token amount up front and then more on a sell through, if you’re good. More on that if I get any replies.

4) Extra content, IE, side stories. There are two in the works. I will ask you which you’d prefer to see soon.

5) Prose stories. Did not expect to see demand for this… but I think I can make it happen. I may release a few as dollar downloads in the near future. More as it develops.

6) Custom sketches will be available with the pre-order for volume 2. More on that very soon, as I template it.

7) Mugs, buttons, individual issues, and action figures seem in low demand. Write me if that’s crazy, but I shall bear it in mind and design the other stuff first thereby.

Beyond that, I have a few APPEARANCES to announce!

Cura will be at the JET CITY COMIC-CON Saturday, September 24th, in Seattle. Be there, or be killed by the Dark Everett! Or at least square.

Cura will also be at GEEK GIRL CON on October 8 & 9.

Aside from the ability to shoot the cud and jaw with me, we will have merch onhand (thus no shipping), and there will be previews of upcoming pages, and maybe even (mwu ha ha ha) a look at the new trade, if all goes well.