As many of you already know, the Philippines were hit by one of the largest Typhoons in history this last week.

First terrorists attack Zamboanga, then a massive earthquake, and then this:

It has been heartbreaking to watch this unfold. I am grateful that the media has taken to this disaster and is chronicling it, when so often these things can be underplayed or ignored if they’re not local. I’ve been talking with Dex, who lives in Zamboanga in the south-west, and watching these recovery efforts, and it breaks my heart to see people hurting and trying to find shelter.

Even the most cursory Google search reveals images that will never stop haunting, and there are plenty of places where, should you desire, you can see the need for help plainly.

Thank you to all of you who have written me asking about Dex and his family… as he can tell you himself, they made it through fine, though even as far away from the epicenter as they were, the rains and winds were awe inspiring.

I have been remiss in posting on this, and listing places where people can give. It’s been a very hectic, strange week for me personally, for reasons I may go into at a later date, and I’ve only had a chance to sit down and write about this just now, late. That said, I strongly encourage, if you can, to give in the name of relief. There are a number of great options, and anything will help.

Dex has given me some great links. This is one of the best for our American readers, and gives multiple options if you are wary of any particular charity for whatever reason. There are other articles for further research, here, here (the source for the above flag image), and here, among many, many others.

If, like me, you live on a tight budget, consider five dollars. Or ten. Fifteen thousand people giving five dollars is a force to be reckoned with, and there are few better causes.

We are with you, Philippines, and wish you the best in your recovery.